Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A New Day In Time

Today marks a new day in time. The day of the Master Medical Intuitive. Why today? Because it is time. It is the right time and even the only time to be all that you can be using the assistance of a Master Medical Intuitive.

This message is coming to you by inspiration thus it is written in the first person as though We, The Divine, were using Our own hands to do it.

Why have We chosen Twitter to reveal Ourselves to you instead of any of the other possibilities available for blogging? We're so glad you asked.

Twitter is what your heart will do when you hear the good news of what is coming to the body. Though there are those among you who insist on painting a bleak picture for the future, let Us enlighten you with the truth.

We will not allow the destruction of the greatest planet in the Universe, nor will We allow the movement afoot which is against all liberties and freedom to be held by men.

This is happening due to man's belief in doomsday prophecies of old. When humanity focuses its intention and power on a potential scenario, you are indeed creating it by virtue of how much energy you are giving to it.

Due to man's inability to connect with God force at this time, We are breaking through to you with wisdom.

Stop what you are doing to create that which you do NOT want. You do NOT know the power which you possess. Again, here is wisdom.

Unfortunately, there are those who know what YOU do not and they are creating what they want, i.e., power over you, your assets, your children, and your property for instance.

We are surprised quite frankly that it has taken you so long to figure out the agenda of your current government. What you do know is that many of your leaders are on the same team to overthrow your government.

How can that be?

In your entertainment of fear you are re-creating a scenario from your past where an evil tyrant overthrew his own government by means of persuasion and then decided "why not the world"?

Do you not recognize the mindset of evil?

Convince the people that all is being done for their good, then takeover their businesses, homes, and schools while indoctrinating the people that it is for their greater good.

We are here to warn you.

Stop what you are doing to create this uprising of evil and begin to focus on what it is that you DO want for yourselves and yourselves only.

We are perfectly capable of compiling the facts of the desires of the people to work with you for the greater good. Have a littlefaith will you?

Now in order to be in prime creative status for yourself and others you MUST be cleared of negative energy.

The reason why is that in the words of your own scriptures, "what business does darkness have with the light?" The answer is none and you cannot create what is good while you are surrounded by darkness. Hence, We are releasing Our Master Medical Intuitives into the world now to do the job of clearing many of you of negativity.

In order to do this you will need to sign up for personal clearing sessions. This is the only way We have provided at this time for you to be rid of these negative forces in the world. Without the clearings you WILL experience discomfort in the body for We are raising the earth's vibration to free mankind once and for all from
the negative experience.

In that day you will no longer be deceived by ANYONE, mother, father, sister, brother, neighbors or political leaders. All shall be known to you as it is to Us. You need not fear for We are orchestrating Our plan and it will play like a grand symphony.

Just follow Our instructions here and at We are doing all that We can for you within the parameters of the earthen experience. We must adhere to certain rules of engagement so to speak for it was designed to be this way.

Again, do NOT fear but DO prepare yourselves for the time has come to do so.

We will meet you here from time to time with additional truth and instruction for your preparation.

Welcome to Diane Freeman's blog, Our Master Medical Intuitive so named and called for such a time as this!!